Our Programs

The You Are Amazing Project (YAA)

The You Are Amazing (YAA) Project is a community initiative that provides psychoeducation and training on building healthy relationships on a personal and professional level.

The YAA Project gets to hit the road in the “Love-Mo-Bile.” It is a mobile unit that rolls through communities offering psychoeducation about the impact of mental health on parent-child relationships, marriages, friendships, and professional relationships.


Building healthy relationships
Understanding mental health issues
Building confidence and the importance of high self-esteem

Habit Disruptors: What Goes On In This House, Stays In This House

Many households in the black community are familiar with the statement, “What goes on in this house, stays in this house.” The statement is loaded with messaging that leads to family secrets, inappropriate behavior, shame, and guilt. Dysfunction needs to be shared so that it may be corrected. This interactive workshop covers a variety of important household issues. 


The power of knowledge: Not knowing can be harmful
The lasting impact of keeping secrets
Therapy vs. “In my business”
Disrupting harmful communication habits
Building healthy communication skills

Do It Different

Many behaviors are learned. It is not uncommon for individuals to repeat relationship patterns observed during childhood. Ultimately, those patterns create dysfunctional cycles that get passed on throughout generations. Some of those cycles may include divorce, domestic violence, abuse, abandonment, depression, anger, low self-worth, etc. This powerful workshop motivates individuals to define and build healthy relationships.


Understand belief systems
Identify relationship patterns
Explore family cycles
Build relationship skills

Mental Health Consultation & Training

Disasters can come from any event that causes trauma. Knowing how to respond is critical. We provide consultations and training on how to respond to mental health disasters. This programming is available to corporations, schools, mental health service providers, hospitals, and members of law enforcement and government entities. This talk can be customized for the organization’s needs.


Responding to Workplace Crisis
Assessing the Needs After a Disaster – Affected Team Members
Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
Trauma Response in the Community
Recovering after a Disaster or Crisis

Move with Dignity

The Move with Dignity program serves children and teens in foster care. Individuals in foster care often move their belongings in trash bags because luggage is not identified as a need. They often move without notice, which means not being able to say goodbye to new friends, classmates and teachers. The foster care community regularly face grief and trauma. Moving suddenly with belongings in a trash bag does not help to cope with a new placement. This program is designed to help individuals move with feelings of dignity and respect. Each luggage is stuffed with coping toolkits that offer strategies for adjusting to new environments.

Move with Dignity
  • You Are Amazing Event Volunteers
  • We provide an array of support resources.
  • Young people expressing themselves and sharing words of encouragement
  • Words of Encouragement & Mental Health
  • We provide relationship building workshops in communities.

Frequently Asked Questions